Thursday, February 2, 2012

An update of the "much needed" variety

So it's been a month and I've been so busy I haven't been able to update.  Basically what's happened is we've been working on Saxophones, yay!  I actually really enjoy it so far. If you check the Sax, Custom Tools, and Clarinet Pages you will find a bunch of new photos of projects.  Four weeks left of woodwinds? Where has the time gone?  I still need to put the finishing touches on Play Conditions on two clarinets and flutes, and finish my own Clarinet restoration which has turned into a very lengthy project.  Feel free to poke around all the pages, there are literally hundreds of pictures on this blog- I need to upgrade my online storage.  Besides school - the job search for May has been somewhat promising, we'll see what actually solidifies, wish me luck!

P.S. updated my bench for more work space: